Author and Poet Susan Joyner Stumpf- Wolf Songs

susan in her hat


 Author and Poet Susan Joyner Stumpf

I am here to interview Author and Poet Susan Joyner Stumpf that had collaborated with another Poet Max Eidex on a Poetry Book called “Wolf Songs the book is written to raise money to help save the Wolves from being murdered in this country ….

Sitting looking so comfortable in her nice black hat, the beautiful and talented Susan was a delight to talk to.


“Susan thank you  for letting me join you and  interview you. Your home is beautiful so glad to be out here all the way here in the mountains OUTSIDE of Canon City, about 45 minutes away from Colorado Spring Springs, Colorado.. What a wonderful view you have here I bet you enjoy living here, and your horses and dogs and cats… “


“Susan, where are you from?”

“Debbie, I’m Originally from New Orleans, LA and now live in Colorado, and yes we love living here.. we have plenty of room here for our horses and pets.. this is our family.”

Susan eyes glazed over talking about her family.. Her horses are so beautiful and her dogs and cats.. laying around our feet… what such a treat.. I knew she was very happy..



Wow  it is beautiful here ..I can see why you like it…tell me  a little about your self `ie your education Family life etc.”

“Debbie, I graduated from high school, went two years to college. I was adopted into the Joyner family at age three. I have been writing since the age of eight as an escape mechanism from Childhood Abuse, but then writing became a passion and I’ve never stopped since. I’m married to my second husband Howard Stumpf, he is my Soulmate and my best friend.”



” Wow Susan, you have a lot to write about… : Tell us your latest news?”

Debbie, I just finished my 14th book called “SOUL SHORES” which was co-written with Poet Alberto J. Alvarez. I’m now co-writing my next book with you, Author Deborah Brooks Langford. ***wink***”



“Ha Ha, yes Susan, that is very exciting for me also!”

“Susan, what a great book “Soul Shores” will be…. I can’t wait to get my copy… and I really can’t wait to collaborated a book with you.. and what I am so excited is all the proceeds will go the St Jude Hospital for the children.”

Susan grinned a beautiful grin petting her gray Russian Blue female cat Alien. She looked so serene.



“Susan, when and why did you begin writing?”

Debbie, I’ve been writing since the age of eight. I was suffering from Childhood Abuse. Writing became as escape for me. After a while, it developed into a full-blown passion and I’ve never stopped. I published my first book “DREAMING WHITE HORSES” when I was 22. I’ve won all kinds of Creative Writing Contests throughout my life and up to this day.”



 “Susan, wow so terrible what you had to go through when you were a kid. But wow what a great writer you are…..  When did you first consider yourself a writer?”

“Debbie, seriously I think I first considered the fact that I was born to write when I wrote a short story at age 13 that won State-Wide in my hometown of New Orleans, LA. The rest is history.”



“Susan, what inspired you to write your “WOLF SONGS?”

“Debbie, my innate love of wolves. I have been loving wolves ever since a young child. I have been an Animal Rights Activist, especially for wolves, for over 30 years, trying to help their plight and cause because they are slaughtered needlessly and were almost wiped out in several states over the past hundred years or so. And then I owned a wolf named Kody and he opened a whole new world for me as far as being a “wolf-listener.”



“Susan, do you have a specific writing style?”

“Yes Debbie,  I am a Free Verse stream of consciousness style writer. An example of this is my Poetic Heroes e.e. cummings and T.S. Eliot, who were the frontrunners of this Free Verse technique. The majority of my poetry, and short stories, just sort of flow in an almost poetic narrative.”



“Susan, how did you come up with the title?”

“Debbie, it just came to me…I love wolves…their howls….and I thought…ok, Max Eidex and I are doing a book on wolves with wolf poetry, how about songs, wolf songs? As easy as that.”



“Susan, is there a message in your poetry that you want readers to grasp?”

“Yes Debbie, to embrace the darkness as well as the light. Do not be afraid of pain and sorrow. Really, when I write it, it can be beautiful….we all experience it. It’s a human emotion. So embrace it and let the healing begin.”

Susan sat looking out the big bay window in the living room over looking the beautiful Colorado mountains , her plush couch looked so at home in her new house. I could see the passion in her eyes, as she spoke about her message in her poetry. What a wonderful human emotion I was looking at..



“Susan, how much of the poetry book is realistic?”

“Debbie, for “Wolf Songs”? Very realistic. Max Eidex and I confront current issues going on in the world today how people disrespect the wolf and fear him for no reason and slaughter him needlessly. He has the right to be here as much a horse or an Oak Tree. I’m trying to bring awareness to people that Wolves deserve to exist on Planet Earth. But if we don’t curtail our actions right now, we will destroy them from the face of the Earth and this is bringing tears to my eyes even saying this, but I don’t want to be here if there aren’t any wolves. Let me go …let me leave where they are with God because I know he loves them too. Okay. Enough tears.”



Wow Susan, I can feel your passion: Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?”

“Absolutely Debbie. Though I write in fantasy-mode as well, much of my work is based off true events, people I’ve known that have either loved or hurt me; events in my life, situations. I always toss reality and fantasy in the mix of all my work.”



“Susan, what books have most influenced your life most?”

“Well Debbie, besides all the GREATS out there I’ve read and too many to list here, two books currently I’ve read recently were called Dog Music: Poetry About Dogs by Joseph Duemer and The Hidden Life of Dogs by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas; both of those books truly affected me and I read both at least four times. Of course the Poetry of Rumi, Neruda and Gibran are favorites continue to inspire me.”



“Susan, if you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?”

“Debbie, it would have to be Rumi. Between Rumi and Gibran, I can’t decide which.”



“Susan, what book are you reading now?”

“Getting ready to read yours Deb, “BREAK OF A NEW DAWN.”



“Thanks Susan, that’s awesome: Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?”

“Debbie, you mean, besides you? Yes, You, Alberto J. Alvarez and Max Eidex, both of whom I co-wrote with. A friend named Ankh. And another wonderful talented friend named Bobby Andreas.”



“Susan, what are your current projects?”

“Debbie, my next project I’m working on is my co-write with you, Deb. I’m currently working on gathering new poems for that and ones I’ve done in the past.”



“Susan, name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.”

“My Creative Writing Teacher back in high school, bless her heart. She told me “I had something.” Then the next supportive person in my life was YOU, Deb.”



“Susan, do you see writing as a career?”

“Debbie, I would love that, though I went into this never expecting fame or fortune but I would love to be recognized by my peers as worthy to be among them.”



“Susan, if you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?”

“Yes Debbie, I wouldn’t forget to add Max Eidex’s Poem Nature’s Hootinanny, lol. Sorry Max. Hope you still love me.”



“Susan, do you recall how your interest in writing originated?”

“Debbie, it started off as an escape mechanism. I was eight years old. I had a good command of the English Language even then because I loved to read. So I would scribble down little stick figures and write things beside them. Then the stick figures disappeared and more writing appeared until that’s all it was…was words…that’s how innocent it all began.”


“Susan, can you share a little of your current work with us?”

“Sure Debbie, this is one of my favorites because it’s the first time I started to implement meditation and spiritual writing into my work:”




You will know of truths

They scrape your cells

You will feel the whir,

The adagio of their tailwind,

Touching you like a

Myriad of pearled feathers

Ancient whispers

Awakened noumenon

Fabric opening of cognition

Sanguine moments, stilled


Rippling Time A Voluble Blip

In your restive heart-star

Winking at the semi-darkness

Candle on the ocean’s scar

Thoughts ~ ~ … life forms

Of their own massed holograph,

Kaleidoscopic orbs

Re-circling the vacuum of

What once was of cranial dust

Now transcendent-luminous

Echelon of Earth’s God-stroked genesis

Fingering of divine tracing beam

That then became inculcated Sapiens

In those ruminate clouds where

Slipstream dreams are swallowed

A greater force is recognized,

Finds its collided deluge

Its then-fling with death’s tiny surprise

A taste that immortality seizes from a ‘high!


Passion’s Aurora Gate, Amber-Ridden Bliss

The folds that cupped my mortal sting

Are now my Soul’s Release.

 Copyright ©Susan Joyner-Stumpf® 2014



 “Wow Susan, I love your poetry: Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?”

“Debbie yes, especially in my Novel writing. Staying interested in the characters. That’s why I’m mainly a Poet, because I lose interest in my characters in my longer stories. I’m a good Short Story Writer for that very reason: It’s short, lol. But I’m working on a Novel right now and I keep losing interest. I need to keep focused.”



“Susan, who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?”

“Debbie, oh gosh. Are you really asking me this? I have hundreds of favorites. I guess right now is Rumi because his work speaks to my Soul. He’s deep and spiritual, he was a Sufi Mystic Poet of the 13th Century but his works stand up today, they are timeless.”



“Susan, do you have to travel much concerning your book(s)?”

“Unfortunately, no, Debbie I’m one of those starving artists lol.”

“Susan, who designed the covers?”

“Debbie, I am a Graphics Artist and design my own Covers.”



“Wow Susan,  what was the hardest part of writing your book?”

” Debbie, I guess the hardest part of writing ANY book, be it poetry or a novel or short story, is staying in the moment; focusing on that piece you are currently working on and not allowing outside influences which happens to be one of my issues. Distraction.”



“Susan, did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?”

“Debbie, I learned I love wolves even more and I’m determined to save them, love them, protect them, promote them, bring awareness to them, until I’m gone and join them in Heaven. While I’m here on Earth I will ALWAYS BE A WOLF ADVOCATE.”



“Susan, do you have any advice for other writers?”

“Debbie, my advice to other writers is never to give up. There are going to be people to tell you you’re no good. Now this could be because they’re either jealous or truly feel you’re no good. So I highly recommend you write for yourself and for the love of it, not for anyone else, or you will be disappointed. Also, try to write a little bit every day to keep the engine oiled, so to speak. Hone in on your craft, you only get better with practice, that’s like with anything else. Write for the simple joy and love of it. Believe in yourself, and others will follow, I promise.”



“Susan, do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?”

“Debbie, I’ve always found writing to be therapeutic. It’s better to get things “out” than hold them inside. What better form of expression and creativity is there besides writing, if you’re like me and cant’ draw or sing or dance, lol? So writing can be a wonderful creative outlet and…you get to meet other writers who share this common bond with you. I’ve met so many wonderful new friends all because we share a passion to write!!!!”



“Susan, do you remember the first book you read?”

“Debbie, I want to say “LEAVES OF GRASS” by Walt Whitman.”



“Susan, other than writing do you have any hobbies ?”

“Yes, I love my work as a Graphics Artist, creating graphics for myself and friends and others, and doing Book Covers. I also raise and breed Registered Tennessee Walking Horses. So I love my animals, my dogs and cats too.”



“Susan, what TV shows/films do you enjoy watching?”

“Well Debbie, there are so many but my favorite TV Programs are THE VOICE, THE BLACKLIST, PERSON OF INTEREST, GOTHAM and SUPERNATURAL.”



“Susan, what about your  Favorite foods / Colors/ Music?”

“Debbie, if I remember correctly you like what I like best to eat, my favorite food is a Pasta Dish with different types of seafood in there like scallops, muscles, and shrimp. My favorite color is RED and music? Well, that’s easy: THE BEATLES of course.”



“Susan, you are so right, I do love pasta with seafood and my favorite color is red.. Just a couple more questions… If you were not a writer what else would you like to have done?”

“Debbie, to be a person who wishes THEY WERE A WRITER.”



Susan, do you have a blog/website? If so what is it?”

“Debbie, I’m most active on Facebook. Here’s the link:



“Thank you Susan, for allowing me to interview you… Tell us what you are most thankful for????”

“Debbie, I am most thankful for God and Christ. Without God, I would never have this gift to write, it came from HIM. Through that gift, I have met the most wonderful people in my life and you, Author Deborah Brooks Langford, are one of them. I am thankful for my husband who loves me. I am thankful for my animals that are my children. I am thankful for all my friends that support me. And I am thankful I am here to help Wolves on this Planet because I love them. I’m proud of what I do for them and want to do more to save them. I am thankful for Wolves and the wolf I used to own named Kody. This book is for him. And for the wolf that Max knew named Sequoia. We wrote it for them and all other wolves.”


SUSAN was so gracious and sweetest interview I ever had.. I want to share her book link and the book launch that will be held n Saturday December 6. 2014 tomorrow on facebook..



1 pm central – 2 pm eastern Authors Susan Joyner Stumpf and Max Eidex.. come meet and great ask all the questions you want why they write the book and their passions
1:30 central book WOLF SONGS will be given away
2:00 pm Special Guest Author Jeremy Taylor will be here talking about his book and giving an e book away
2:30 Me Author Deborah Brooks Langford… will be given my latest book away “FIRE AND ROSES 2nd edition
3:00 pm Graphics Artist Susan Joyner Stumpf will be given away a free book cover
3:30 Special Guest Author Alexander Roman will be given a book away
4:00 another book WOLF SONGS will be given away
stay tune for more to come .. SEE YOU ON SATURDAY..…/wolf-…/paperback/product-21898886.html


This interview was couple years ago when Susan Joyner Stumpf and Max Eidex published “WOLF SONGS”

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