

I am here to talk to THE NEW AUTHOR MAX EIDEX. the author of the new published poetry book “WOLF SONGS” that he collaborated with Author Susan Joyner-Stumpf. Max lives in Myrtle Beach SC. What a place to live! Max works hard and loves to write. It’s an honor to interview him.

Max, it is so good to see you, tell everyone where are you from?”

“Debbie, I was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, 50 miles from my home of the Alabama Crimson Tide.”

“Max tell us a little about yourself, i.e., your education Family life etc. ” 

“Debbie, I went to Mountain Brooke High School in Birmingham and attended for two years the Oglethorpe UN in Atlanta GA. Raised as Orthodox Jew. Great parents. Attended Hebrew School for twelve years. I had a great childhood.”

“Max please tell us your latest news?”

“Wow Debbie, being a published Author. My first book WOLF SONGS . . . SO EXCITED!!!!”

“Max, when and why did you begin writing?”

“Debbie, I began writing songs as a teenager. Because I love playing guitar and piano, I did not want to copy other people’s music. I wanted to do my own. I made up silly songs every since I was a kid.”

“Max, when did you first consider yourself a writer?”

“Debbie, two months ago when I got serious about writing poetry and posting in Debbie’s and Susan’s Poetry Corner. Plus keeping a journal; I have done that for years.”

“Max tell us what inspired you to write your WOLF SONGS?”

“Debbie, being involved with Seacrest Wolf Preserve and volunteering there and making contact with so many wolves. It was a life changing experience for me. And then meeting Susan Joyner-Stumpf who as well loves wolves and writes poetry too. So we decided to collaborate on a poetry book and all proceeds go to saving the wolves.”

Here is the link to “Wolf Songs”


“Max, do you have a specific writing style?”

“No Debbie, I do not have a specific writing style. I started out doing basically lots of rhymes and also discovered the form of Sonnets, Haiku, Free Verse. I basically write where my heart leads me.”

“Max, how did you come up with the title?”

“Debbie, actually Susan came up with the title. It took her two seconds and I thought that was a perfect name of the book considering I am a musician.”

“Max, is there a message in your poetry that you want readers to grasp?”

“Yes Debbie, that life is worth living. That we are all connected and we share a spark that will enlighten the world.”

Walking along the beach Max spoke for love of humanity. I felt like Max was a very peaceful person. He had a serene look about him.

“Max, how much of the poetry book is realistic?”

“Debbie, all my poetry is real to me. Some are based on life experiences, others based on dreams.”

“Max, are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?”

“Absolutely Debbie, I write about things that moves me, the human condition and dreams and people move me. So does nature. Sometimes. I just like to write to make people laugh. My alter ego is a YAK!!!”

” Aha, Max I love your alter ego THE YAK. You keep us laughing in the poetry corner. Tell us what books have most influenced your life?”

“Debbie that’s easy, “Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens; Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman; The Scarlett Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorn; Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss.”

“Max: If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?”

“Author Deborah Brooks Langford, Author Susan Joyner-Stumpf. They have offered guidance and friendship and help… with whatever I write…”

“Max: What book are you reading now?”

“I am currently reading The Appeal by John Grisham.”

“Max: Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?”

“Debbie yes, Jacob Allan Ballard… he writes on a level that very few can reach. His poetry is deep and meaningful with the impact of a freight train. When I read him, I feel it is equivalent to listening to Mozart. “

“Max: What are your current projects?”

“Debbie, I am currently working on new poetry book that has yet to be titled. To write a children’s book called “Natures Hootinanny” …”

“Max, name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.”

“God… I could not imagine another Entity that has been more supportive of me throughout my life… “

”Max, do you see writing as a career?”

“Debbie no, not yet… it is more or less a hobby, something I love to do. Maybe one day, God Willing, my writing will become a career path. That is my hope…”

“Max, if you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?”

“Debbie, maybe one thing…. more photos of wolves.”

“Max, do you recall how your interest in writing originated?”

 “Yes Debbie, writing songs. When I was a kid I used to write. Tried to write  little nursery rhymes.”

“Max, can you share a little of your current work with us?”

Debbie, I would love to:”


My Inner Child

My inner child sees shadows

voices from the past

the merriment of playgrounds

and loves that didn’t last.


It feels time uninvited,

to come and play again

the shadows where he’s dwelling

are distantly within.


He yearns to be released

from subconscious lock and key

he wants to reunite

he wants to be set free.


He doesn’t want to live

in silent memories

he wants to be a part

of my current destiny. ”


Max, is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?”

“Yes Debbie, vocabulary. I can feel the flow and I know what I want to say and sometimes I find it hard to find the words to say it… “

“Max, who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?”

“Debbie, hands down Charles Dickens. He brings his characters alive. His stories are deep and meaningful to me. They have always touched my heart.”

“Max, do you have to travel much concerning your book?”

“Debbie, not yet. I don’t even have a car, lol.” 

“Max, who designed the cover of “Wolf Songs?”

“Wow Debbie, the wonderful Graphics Artist Susan Joyner-Stumpf who did a famously great job…” 

“Max, what was the hardest part of writing your book?”

“Debbie, sleep, working overtime sixty hours a week writing the book. I only got only three hours of sleep at night if I was lucky.”

“Max, did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?”

“Debbie, I learned it’s not easy; that it requires time and dedication. And I learned a great deal about writing.”

“Max, do you have any advice for other writers?”

“Debbie, I am a novice and will gladly accept advice from those more seasoned than me.”

“Max, do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?”

“Debbie, “Wolf Songs” is a book that I hope has great impact on the environment. My poetry is spiritual in nature and hopefully carries a positive message.”

“Max, do you remember the first book you read?”

“Yes Debbie, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by Roald Dahl.”

“Wow Max I love that book to and the movie was so cute, other than writing do you have any hobbies?”

“Debbie yes. Playing guitar, piano, singing. And cooking.”

“Max, what TV shows/films do you enjoy watching?”

“Debbie, my favorite TV shows are Nova, shows about nature. I love Whose Line Is It Anyway. It’s on DVD. My favorite movies are: ‘Being There;’ ‘Whats Up Doc;’ ‘Fiddler On The Roof;’ ‘Key Largo;’ ‘Crazy In Alabama.’ I am a movie fanatic. The list can go on and on lol.”

“Max I love Crazy In Alabama” one of my favorite movies and so funny,  what are your favorite foods / Colors/ Music?”

“Debbie, of course the Beatles, Beethoven, Jazz, Blues.

Favorite food, well, two favorite meals are one Prime Rib with baked potatoes and a garden salad and a glass of red wine. Peanut and jelly sandwiches, and a glass of milk.

My favorite colors are colors of the forest.” 

“Max, if you were not a writer what else would you like to have done?”

Debbie, I always been fascinated with Culture and Anthropology.”

“Max: Do you have a blog/website? If so what is it?”

“Debbie, I have an Author page if you want to visit me. It is a gift from AUTHOR AND POET Deborah Brooks Langford.”

“Thank you Max for allowing me to interview you. Tell us what you are most thankful for?”

“Debbie, Life! It’s been a good one and I hope I have plenty more ahead of me.”



Congratulations  TO new AUTHOR MAX EIDEX

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