Meet The Amazing Author And Poetess Nitasu Laup

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and  a New Author



I met Nitasu in my poetry group on Facebook called “Love Poetry.” Her poetry is amazing and wonderful to read. She writes from the heart and always makes one think.


“Tell me, Nitasu a little about yourself.”


“I dedicate everything to the Almighty and my heavenly mother.

I am obliged to my beautiful friend, Deborah Brooks Langford who has made my dreams come true.

I’m highly obliged to my loving husband and two wonderful sons for their wholehearted support.”



Poetess Nitasu Laup resides in Kolkata, City, India, country. Born on 12th February, 1974. She is married and has two sons. She has been writing all her life. Her poetry makes her life feel whole. She also writes short stories, etc. She has her own Facebook page, “Budding Writer-Nitasu Laup.”



“Nitasu, what are some of your favorite genres to read and to write?”

“Debbie, I love romance, thrillers, fiction, motivating quotes, and comedy.”

“Nitasu, what is your inspiration with your writing?”

“Debbie, my late mother. She inspired me to read books,  write poetry and stories. Also, Deborah Brooks Langford, famous author and poetess, is my mentor.”

“Nitasu, that is so nice of you to mention me. Are you a published Author? If not do you plan on being?”

“Yes Debbie, I’m a published author. In fact my new poetry book was written with Author Deborah Brooks Langford. It is called “STARS OF LIGHTNING” plus we have some more books in the works and I will be publishing my own book soon.”

Stars of Lightning book cover


“Nitasu, what has been your greatest criticism?”

“Well Debbie, I have been told that I can write only love poems.”

“Personally Nitasu, I think that is wonderful…lol. What has been your greatest compliment?”

“Debbie, that I can write in all genres spontaneously. My rhythmic verses go well with some people.”

” My goodness Nitasu, that takes real talent. When you sit down to write, do you do it the old-fashioned way with pen and paper or do you use a computer?”

“Debbie, previously I used to write with pen and paper but now it’s my computer which saves time.”

“Nitasu, what do you do when you are not writing?”

“Debbie, I’m an ex-teacher but presently a housewife. I love reading,travelling and listening to songs.”

“Nitasu, compared to when you first started writing, have you noticed any big changes in your writing style or how you write compared from then to now?”

“Yes Debbie, there’s a big change. Previously I used to write in a very simple manner following no rules. Slowly I learned the usage of rhyming and it blends with my style of writing with more vocabulary added to my stock of words. I not only write from the heart but also put my mind in it.”

“Nitasu, what do you look for in a book when you sit down to read for fun?

“Debbie, I love mystery, love, passion, and thrilling incidents. Also, I love reading comedies.”

“Nitasu, what has been your favorite part about being a writer?”

“Debbie, I have been recognized and gained an identity of my own. People’s appreciation makes me feel loved and wanted. It inspires me to write more.”

“Nitasu, when you walk into a bookstore, where do you head to first? Why?”

“Debbie, I love bestsellers because it surely has some gripping substance in it that has gotten that acclamation.”

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“Nitasu, did you get to quit your day job and become a writer and/or author or do you still have a day job and writing is something you do for fun? If you still have a day job, what is it?”

“Debbie no, right now I’m jobless, totally a homemaker.”

“Nitasu, what has been the strangest thing a reader has asked you?”

“Many link up my writings with my real life. Once I was asked whether my lover has really died and am I waiting for him to meet me in the next life. This was so strange. The person had read my poem and felt it was my real life story.”

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“Nitasu, besides writing and reading, what is your most favorite thing to do?”

“Debbie, I love cooking, listening to music and travelling.”

“Nitasu, we all have our little things when it comes to reading. Is there anything that bugs you when you read a novel? What is it?”

“Debbie yes, what bugs me is to know who the culprit is at the end of a murder mystery or what happens to a couple after they get estranged.”

“Nitasu, what do you listen to when you write? Do you find one type of music over another that inspires you to write? Why?”

“Oh Debbie, generally romantic soft songs. The lyrics and the music helps me to create a romantic ambience in my writing.”

“Nitasu, what genre are you looking forward to exploring during your writing career? Why?”

“Debbie, romantic love writings, also thrillers. Because it brings out the romantic nature in me.”

“Nitasu, what are you currently reading?”

“Debbie, currently I’m reading “My first Love” by Sachin Garg (Indian Writer).”

“Who are your favorite authors?”

“Wow Debbie, there are so many. William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Sidney Sheldon, Harold Robbins, Agatha Christie, Satyajit Ray, Jhumpa Lahiri and Chetan Bhagat.”


“Nitasu, I want to thank you for allowing me to interview you. Would there be anything else you would want to tell your fans and readers?”

“Yes Debbie, I would love to say that I love them all and I’m obliged that they like my writings. I ask them to be my support in my near future.”

Here is Nitasu Poetry page on FACEBOOK.

nitasu and family

And some exciting News for Nitasu. Her poems and profile will be in the  new book “WOMEN OF PASSION.”  You will find this book on It will be in color and black and white.

This book is about the Poetesses from “LOVE POETRY” from the countries of India, Philliphines, and the Middle East. These ladies are often looked over and their poetry is wonderful  and beautiful to read.


Enjoy some of her poems and short stories !



The pearls from my eyes,
Could no longer hold the pain,
So I released them and let them flow again.
Each pearl had a story in it unsaid, unheard,
Which I had protected so long with all my guard.
But the pain is now too heavy to hold,
As life has taken its new fold.
The eyes start shedding each drop,
And now it’s not possible for me to stop.
So let each pearl take its flow
As I sit and watch the drops fall and go.
My untold stories, my secret sorrows
Of long back yesterdays, can’t be carried tomorrow
All going with the pool of tears
Now the only thing I have is to fear,
These beads of pearls which fell from my eyes
May not again be revived as time flies.



Who Am I?

I didn’t get the answer till date,
I don’t know the reason why,
But that is my fate.
Born to loving parents,
I got the best of what life meant.
Being a single pampered child,
Enjoyed each moment calm and wild.
From that age even, I wondered WHO AM I?
Married to a loving husband
Being a caring wife
Is it all that I needed in life??
Again struggling to get the answer, don’t know why
That really WHO AM I?
Being a mother is such a heavenly feel,
I got such loving kids and I feel blessed,
But still it cannot heal,
The question which haunts me till I’m dead.
Now at this mature age
When life is settled at a calm stage
I ask me, WHO AM I?
But found no answer don’t know the reason why.
Can’t I have an own identity?
And people will accept me with dignity?
Why do women have to live a life only for other?
Being only a wife, daughter, sister or a mother?
So I still am searching the answer,
From people and places near and far,
As I find my search complete,
I promise I won’t cheat.
I’ll come and tell you here,
Without any tantrums or fear,
All hidden truths and no lie,
I will let you know,
Who am I!!!!!!




Forever Alone
Sujaya, a widow in her mid forties, was busy looking at herself in the mirror, counting her fine lines and wrinkles. She also saw some more grey hairs than last week. Dissatisfied with her appearance she decided to make an appointment in the salon for hair and facial treatments today itself.
It was 6.30 a.m. and Sujaya was thinking all these while making herself a cup of hot coffee. Next she got herself seated in the huge armchair and enjoyed the morning breeze and the first sunrays of the day. This is the luxury Me time of the day for Sujaya and today she is thinking of her life’s ups and downs.
It has been five years since Ranjan’s death and Sujaya was left deserted by all the relatives who feared that she may turn to them for help. Had it not been for their only daughter, Shanaya, Sujaya’s life would have been a wreck. But with the help of some of their family’s closest friends, Sujaya overcame all distress and now lives on her late husband’s savings, insurance money and pension.
Shanaya is in her third year of bachelor of technology and stays in Bengaluru for her education. Sujaya was living a lonely life until two years back. Ananya, her best friend advised her to keep a paying guest so as to keep her company and provide extra income as well. In fact, it’s Ananya who brought along Rahul, her new office assistant, whose native place is Srinagar.
Enter Rahul, the young, energetic, charismatic bachelor guy of 30 years of age. Good looking is a very small term for him. He is a hunk – muscular, tall and deadly handsome. He came like a sunshine in Sujaya’s dark gloomy world and spread happiness and laughter. It was for him that she started wearing makeup and coloured sarees. She went to watch movies, dined in restaurants and sometimes also went for long drives in nearby locales out of Kolkata in their car. It was for Rahul that Sujaya started smiling, laughing and celebrating life again.
Shanaya despised Rahul and didn’t like her mom’s sudden change but Sujaya mistook this as a sibling jealousy. She continued enjoying her own world of privacy and Rahul’s company. In fact, she was so in awe of him that when he used to go to his hometown for vacations she felt bitterly sad, alone and missed him terribly.
But just yesterday, Rahul has gone to Srinagar but this time not for holidaying. He is getting married to a girl of his parent’s choice. Sujaya teased him a lot, bought gifts for his bride and him, cooked food for his train journey and finally bid him goodbye. But the moment he left home, she was in a pool of tears. Her whole world was finally very much lonely and her life again scattered into bits and pieces. She was literally awake the whole night just thinking of Rahul.
And today on her armchair while drinking a sip from her coffee mug, tears fell again from her eyes into her coffee making the taste salty. The irony of fate is that she is not only missing Rahul, it is also missing to tell him that she is three months pregnant with his child.




Check Out Nitasu on “OUR POETRY ARCHIVES”


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