
I would love everyone to meet the JUNE POETESS OF THE MONTH!

Orietta is a dreamer of words and an enthusiastic wordsmith. She is of Chilean heritage and is born in the USA. Orietta is a native New Yorker who has only just begun to spread her poetic wings. She is grateful for the opportunity, living the prospects, enjoying the journey and goes by the pseudonym Empress Musings.

“So nice to know you, Orietta. You are one of the favorites in Love Poetry. I want to thank you for your wonderful poetry, your participation in the group and most of all your kindness…”

On with the interview…

“Orietta, what are some of your favorite genres to read and write?”

“Hello Debbie, I love to read. The following are my favorites. 

  1. Historical/Fiction – Biographies:  Isabel Allende / Gabriel Garcia Marquez / Pablo Neruda / Gabriela Mistral / Charles Dickens / Ernest Hemingway / Henry David Thoreau

  2. Romance – a la Nora Roberts / Danielle Steele / Victoria Holt / Barbara Cartland / Anais Nin / Debbie Macomber / Jane Austen

  3. Mystery/Thriller – Dean Koontz / Mario Puzo / Sir Arthur Conan Doyle / James Patterson / Scott Turow / Ray Bradbury / Anne Rice / John Grisham.”


“Wow, Orietta! That is awesome. You do love to read. What is your inspiration with your writing?”

“Well Debbie, it varies. It depends upon my mood, a picture that moves me, a memory that inspires or a feeling that needs to be expressed.”

“Orietta, I understand where you are coming from. Are you a published Author? If not, do you plan on being one?”

“Debbie, I was recently in a poetry compilation and I hope to publish a book of my poetry in the near future.

By Deborah Brooks Langford & Friends

deepest obsession book cover

“That is wonderful, my friend. When you are ready to publish, please keep me in mind.”

“Orietta, what has been your greatest criticism?”

“Debbie, that I am limiting myself to one genre – love/romance.”

“I understand, Orietta. I have the same problem. What has been your greatest compliment?”

 “Debbie, I love to receive a comment that my writing ‘spoke to’ and/or ‘was about’ a certain reader. Most of us write to make people feel.”

“Orietta, when you sit down to write do you do it the old-fashion way with pen and paper or do you use a computer?”

“Debbie, I have to say a little of both but mainly on the computer. My notes are handwritten.”

 “Orietta, what do you do when you are not writing?”

“Debbie, I love to dance. I do salsa, tango, swing and waltz.”

“Wow Orietta, you are talking my language. I love to salsa. Compared to when you first started writing have you noticed any big changes in your writing style or how you write compared from then to now?”

” Debbie, I am willing to try new styles – i.e., iambic pentameter, haiku and free style. I want to learn about ‘tanka.'”

“Orietta, actually my favorite is free style. You are in good company. What do you look for in a book when you sit down to read for fun?”

“Debbie, I want to challenge my way of thinking, enlighten my knowledge and experience a new author/style of writing/genre.”

“Orietta, what has been your favorite part about being a poetess?”

“Debbie, I love meeting other like-minded, more experienced and multi-talented poets/poetesses thus expanding my artistic horizons. I have found the majority to be most supportive and inspiring.”

“Good answer, Orietta. When you walk into a bookstore, where do you head to first? Why?”

“Well Debbie, fiction, just to see what is new.”

“Orietta, did you get to quit your day job and become a writer and/or author or do you still have a day job and writing is something you do for fun? If you still have a day job, what is it?”

“Debbie, I am still working full-time as I am new to this writing environment (about one year). However, it would be nice to retire to a tropical location with a view of the ocean and have a cup of iced tea in hand as I ponder new prose. Presently, am in Legal HR/Compliance.”

“Orietta, what has been the strangest thing a reader has asked you?”

“Debbie, this is funny. What do I look like naked? My response was ‘very naked’ lol!”

“Orietta, besides reading and writing, what is your most favorite thing to do?”

“I love spending time with loved ones and dear friends.”

“Orietta, we all have our little things when it comes to reading. Is there anything that bugs you when you read a novel? What is it?”

” Debbie, one thing is bad grammar.”

“Orietta, what do you listen to when you write? Do you find one type of music over another that inspires you to write? Why?”

“Debbie, easy listening, new age and instrumental, specifically piano – my favorite instrument. This sets the tone as to my mood and train of thought.”

“Orietta, what genre are you looking forward to exploring during your writing career? Why?”

Debbie, historical. I would love to write a serial epic.”

“Orietta, what are you currently reading?”

“Debbie, I am rereading Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s ‘Love in the Time of Cholera,’ this time in Spanish. My first read was the English translation.”

“Orietta, who are your favorite authors?”

“Oh Debbie, so many to list – See #1 above for the ‘short list.'”

“Orietta, what seven words would you use to describe yourself?”

“Debbie, I am passionate, self-depreciating, sarcastically humorous, loyal, unforgiving, quiet strength, and caring – Can you tell I don’t follow rules (lol)?”

orietta with her puppy

“Ahhhh Orietta. You are a true poetess. I don’t know one poet or poetess that follows the rules, ha ha.”

“Orietta, thank you for the wonderful interview. Is there anything else that you would like to share or say to those who will read this interview?”

“Debbie, I have learned that ‘follow your bliss’ does not always mean it is an easy path but one we must, at some point in our complicated lives, jump into. I had to leave all the preconceptions of what a writer and a poet is all about and dip my toe into the scribe pool. I have never looked back. Be passionate, be daring, be prepared to fail, but most importantly enjoy the journey irrespective of the critics. For there will be those who have an opinion so let them have their say  and carry on. Thank you for this honor and privilege to share a little part of myself with all of you.”

“Orietta, that is  great statement. I second that.”orietta2







orietta picture poem

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