Interview with Christian Author Kim Kruise Thompson

kim with hat

I want to introduce to all of you, the wonderful Christian Author Kim Kruise Thompson… I have known Kim for over a year now.. Her writing is wonderful.

I just bought her recent book “God’s Playbook” that she co- wrote with her brother Kevin.

kims book God's playbook

“Kim it has been such a pleasure to know you all this year. You are such a joy and blessings to know you. I want to thank you for letting me interview you. So Let’s get started.”

“Kim, tell me about yourself where were you born and explain the town etc. And where do you live now?”

“Debbie, I was born in Jacksonville Florida but my father was in the Air Force so we traveled to many places stateside and overseas. We ended up in Lakeland Georgia where I graduated High School and to this day consider it my hometown. I joined the Army, and then married a soldier. We ended up being stationed in Texas and this is now where we reside and call home.”


“Kim, tell me about your writing, why do you like it so much?”

“Debbie, I have always written poems, stories, and songs since I was a little girl but laid it aside when I was raising my children. One day it just came back to me like a long lost friend. I was working as a school nurse and that was when I began to find many things to write about, forever stirring my heart. I began to write about children, social issues, and some personal things I had not laid to rest began to surface. I found writing was very therapeutic. Writing unloads my hearts worries and thoughts that are forever rambling around in my head. Most of all it is my way of calling attention to things that matter, such as homelessness, human nature such as pride, UN-forgiveness, and many other things that call out to me. In my small way, I would like to think I am making a little difference in this world.”

“Kim, where do you get your inspiration from?”

“Debbie, I get my inspiration from everyday events. Life is forever offering me inspirational things to write. Being a creative writer, I may put a slight twist on the story but change the names to protect the innocent. I love to laugh so if my grand kids or dogs do something funny, you bet I am going to write about it. I love all kinds of people making them the most wonderful subjects to write about. Most of all, we all are imperfect humans and through our bumps in the road we learn. I love to write about the heart, the good, the bad, and the ugly but mostly when the heart wins out, forever leaving an imprint on others and this writer.”

“Kim, may I ask who inspires you and who are your favorite authors?”

“Debbie, I do not have one person that inspires me, as so many people inspire me to include nature and animals. Just the other day I ran into a young man at the store who asked me for a few dollars. My heart was calling me to write about him and I did. He looked down on his luck and as a mother he tugged on my hearts strings.”

“Kim, have you written any books? If you have, tell us all about it.”

“Debbie, I have three published books. Sunnie and her Peeps, When Delilah Smiles, and Gods Playbook, which I co- wrote with my brother Kevin. Sunnie and her Peeps was my “retirement from nursing” book. I bought some chickens, naming them one by one, making them my pets. This would be my first children’s book. My chickens were my inspiration. I then tackled an idea about a baby born to an older woman. Delilah was born visually and hearing impaired. This book was amazing to me as I felt it was inspired by something much bigger than I was. I felt that it was written for someone out there struggling with raising a child with this kind of disability. I had no idea where this idea came from and had to research so many of the details. My brother approached me with the idea of Gods Playbook and before we knew it, we were writing a book together. It was an endeavor, which I will always treasure.”

“Kim, please give me your links to your books.”

“Kim, Tell me about your writing style.”

“Debbie, I am not sure if I have a certain writing style. I do like to tell stories, making the characters come alive. I also like to give inanimate objects a voice like an old bench or desk. It is amazing how much they have to say.”

“Kim, give some advice to new Authors!”

“Debbie, my advice would be to not let constructive criticism get under their skin. There are other seasoned writers who will want to help and new writers should be open to listen and apply what they have to offer. Do not be so self-consumed and be prepared to give to others, supporting their work, and sharing when you are able. Lastly do not write for money as money will come and go. Scores, ratings, etc…Also do not always make a writer. Do not let them be your driving force. Always write from your heart, it will not lead you astray.”

“Kim, tell me about something personal about you.”

“Debbie, I am what they call a raw vegan most of the time. I do not eat meat, dairy, or processed foods. I am not always 100 percent perfect in following this lifestyle but I have strive to live this way the last four years.  In fact, there is a verse in the Bible. I do this for one reason and that is my health, although I do believe we have to be humane in which animals are raised. I was diagnosed with Diabetes and it scared the mess out of me a few years ago. I knew I had to take responsibility for my health. This is my second passion in life, using food as my medicine, eating my way to a healthier life. I believe that natural, unprocessed, organic food can be our medicine.”

“Kim, tell me about your favorite bands and Music.”

“Debbie, I love all music of the 60’sand 70’s, to include the Carpenters, Eagle’s, Jim Croce, and many others. I love to listen to some popular Christian artists as well.”

“Kim, what is your favorite thing in the world to do?”

“Debbie, I love to write but if I had one thing in the whole world it would be spending time with all my family, my grandchildren, and those I love. I do love a good, long nap!”

“Kim, have you got to travel and if so what is your favorite place in the world?”

“Debbie, I feel very blessed to have traveled many places but I do have one place in mind that I would love to go back to and that would be Austria. It truly was the most beautiful place on earth. One of my favorite movies was filmed there, The Sound of Music.”

“Kim, do you like to write poems or stories best?”

“Debbie, I love to write stories more.”

“Kim, what are your favorite thoughts?”

“Debbie, I love to think about blessings! When I think about my life, I count my blessings, never taking anything for granted. When I think about my children’s birth and my grandchildren, I cannot help but smile. My husband is the kindest man and I think about our wedding day 21 years ago when he took on me and four children, restoring so many things I thought I had lost was now  restored, my heart is in a constant state of overflowing.”

“Kim, Tell me about your book and how has the Lord Inspire you?”

“Debbie, I am always amazed when the Lord guides me into a story, giving me the inspirations. In so many ways, he has given me my thoughts and dreams. Money has never been a motivator but to inspire surely has been from my Father in heaven and my number one reason to write. He uses all my failings, loses, and triumphs to write. I believe we as writers have a responsibility for the words we place on the page, knowing that someone somewhere will be reading our work and may cause a stirring in their soul.”


“Kim, I want to thank you for this wonderful interview. Here are the following links to find Kim. Bless you and your writing. “



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