Interview with Christian Author Jim Henry

jim henry

Meet Christian Author Jim Henry.
Jim Henry has been writing fiction ever since he learned to read in second grade. He completed his first “book” – a 65-page hand-written story titled “Time Warp” when he was in seventh grade.
He continued to write story after story all through his teenage years, before going to college to study broadcasting and journalism.
Through his 20’s and into his 30’s, Jim was busy writing things other people wanted him to write. He worked for eight years as a daily newspaper reporter for newspapers in Maine, Massachusetts and Connecticut. In between jobs, he attended Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, where he received an M.A. degree in journalism history.
When Jim was 34, he was seriously injured, and it was during his recovery that he learned of the ancient form of eastern medicine known as Reiki. While he was receiving an energy healing treatment, Jim had a vision of a man dressed entirely in black, with his arms outstretched, standing before the Atlantic Ocean. In Jim’s vision, the man conjured the largest tsunami in recorded history, inundating the entire east coast. Every city from Portland, Maine to Key West, Florida was devastated.
Jim opened his eyes with a look of fear and shock on his face, prompting the energy therapist to ask what was wrong. He told her of the vision, and she responded, “You have got to write about this.”
That scene, featuring a villain whom Jim named Leviathan Avalon, became the opening scene of the first book in the Universal Life Force Series, titled, “Antiquity Calais: Standing at Armageddon.”

Jim has subsequently published the second book in the series, titled “Antiquity Calais Ascending Olympus,” and the third book in the series, “Antiquity Calais and the Children of Light.” He also recently published a spin-off novella, “Antiquity Calais & the Legend of the Ice Queen,” and the next book in the series will be, “Antiquity Calais and the Wrath of the Cryptids.”
Jim is a single father of three, and he has two stepsons whom he loves like his own children. Each child will have a book dedicated to him or her, so there will be at least six books in the series.
Jim lives in Florida and teaches online, allowing him the flexibility needed to be a hands-on dad for his children.
Now on with the interview:
“Jim, I want to thank you so much for allowing me to interview you; I know you have a busy schedule.
So, let’s get started. Tell me about yourself where were you born and explain the town etc. and where do you live now?”
“Debbie, it is good to be here and I want to thank you for this interview. I was born seven weeks early, while my parents were on vacation in upstate New York. So Troy, N.Y. is where I was born, but aside from the Leonard Hospital in Troy, I never actually lived there. Home was Westfield, Mass., and I have only vague recollections of that place. The town I consider my home is Greenfield, Mass., a town of about 20,000 people soaking wet that has not grown or shrunk in a century.
I presently live in Hernando, Florida. It is a nice town, people keep to themselves, but I am still getting to know the community, as I just moved here in July.”

“Wow Jim, I love Florida, I think you will like it there. Jim, tell me about your writing, why do you like it so much?”

“Debbie, I knew from the time I learned to read that I was destined to be a writer. It was a no-brainer for me. Along the way, there were bumps in the road, because I am proof that writers can be made, not born. If you ever saw some of my high school essays, marked up with so much red ink that they resembled a Christmas tree, you would know what I mean!”

“Jim, I can understand perfectly what you mean. Where do you get your inspiration from?”

“ Inspiration comes from a variety of sources. I sometimes have dreams, or visions that result in a book. Other times I hear a song on the radio that gives me an idea. Most often my children inspire me, though. They are just amazing. “

“Jim, tell me about your writing style. Give some advice to new writers!”
“ People tell me I am funny, which is not the worst thing to hear, depending on what I am writing. The Crash books are supposed to be funny, but sometimes people tell me a particular scene in an Antiquity Calais book was funny, but I was not even trying to get a laugh! That’s tough to explain!”
“The best advice is to write often. If you were a doctor, honing your craft, would you go in to the office once a week, or only when the kids are sleeping? If you want to be a full-time writer, write full-time.”

“Jim, I agree, what great advice. Now, tell me about something personal about you.”

“Deborah, that’s an awfully personal question to ask someone, Seriously, I suppose one of the things that drive me to publish as much as I do, is that I want to succeed at everything I set out to accomplish. Failure is not an option.”

“Jim, sorry to get so personal, I always love to see how people react to that question. Tell me about your favorite bands, favorite Music.”

Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band
Billy Joel
Jimmy Buffett

“I am a musical kind of guy, so there are more, but those are the big ones.”

“Jim, you have great taste in music. Some of my favorite bands too. What is your favorite thing in the world to do?”
“I learned a long time ago that what I am good at, I am usually among the best, and what I am poor at, and I am usually among the worst. So I tend to do things I am good at doing, so usually whatever I am doing, I am having a good time!

“Jim, have you got to travel and if so what is your favorite place in the world?”

“ I have been blessed, earlier in life, to travel extensively around the U.S. I have been to 47 of the 50 states (excluding Alaska, Hawaii and Nevada, for some reason). There is so much to see and do in this country; it would be hard to choose just one. However, I can say I had the time of my life in Key West, which is why I incorporated the island city into my Antiquity Calais series.”

Jim, that’s awesome. I love traveling; what is your favorite Book you have written?

You’re asking me to choose just one? That is like asking a parent which child they like the best! If forced to choose, my first one has a special place in my heart, because without it, none of the others would have followed. But then, there is a particular scene – the Swirling Vortex of Death – in my most recent book, Antiquity Calais & the Children of Light that is definitely my favorite scene in all the books.”
“Jim, tell us do you like to write poems or stories best?
My dad used to say, “You’re a poet but you just don’t know it. You’ve got the nose to show it – it’s a long fellow.” That’s about the closest I come to poetry, so I would have to say stories. Nothing against people who do write poetry, it’s just not my cup of tea.

“Jim, you know me and my poetry. But I do understand some people don’t like it or get it and just want to. So tell us what your favorite thoughts are?”

“I guess right now my favorite thoughts are about how cool it is that the Red Sox won the World Series last night, which means I will be writing another book over the winter, The Bearded Boys of Boston. I hope to have it out by the time pitchers and catchers report to Spring Training next February.”

“Jim, that is cool the Red Sox won. I can see you love sports, wow that is great. When you go to a bookstore what section do you run to first?”

“I have to say Sci-Fi/Fantasy. Gotta see what the rest of the competition is doing these days. Seriously, I do love Sci-Fi/Fantasy books, and I am not THAT competitive!”

Jim, tell us who inspires you, who are your favorite authors?”
“ I cannot say that my favorite authors inspired me, but I can say my favorite authors are Richard Bach and J.K. Rowling. My work does not really resemble either of them, though.”

Jim, have you written any books? If you have, tell us all about it.

“I have a growing list of titles. Let’s see if I can remember them all.”

Antiquity Calais: Standing at Armageddon
Antiquity Calais Ascending Olympus
Antiquity Calais & the Children of Light
Antiquity Calais & the Legend of the Ice Queen
Universal Life Force Series Featuring Antiquity Calais Vol. 1 & 2
Universal Life Force Series Featuring Antiquity Calais Vol. 1-3
The World According to Crash Miscellaneous Stuff & Stuff!
The World According to Crash Even More Stuff!

” I also have some short pieces I have published, including:”

Antiquity Calais Christmas: How The Liberator Saved Christmas!
Stories from the Trunk – Breaking All Thy Rules
Star Lovers

“Jim, Congratulations on our your published books.. I have really enjoyed this time with you. ..  I want to thank you Jim for a wonderful interview. “

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