Christian Author Christina Hoctor.. Interview

Christina Hoctor

This is Christina’s Author page

We are here to interview the famous Christian Poet Christina Hoctor .. I ask everyone to be in prayer for Christina Hoctor, that she will always be successful.”
After reading her book “Little Children’s Prayers all Around The World”….these wonderful children’s prayers made my heart so blessed.
Here she is on Pinterest

I just had to interview her, this amazing lady.
“Christina it is so good to meet you, I have read your book “Little children’s prayers all around the world.” I see they are children’s prayers how sweet and awesome at the same time.”

Here is Christina on Google Plus

Let’s get on with the interview
“Christina….. Tell me about yourself where were you born and explain the town etc. And where do you live now?”
“Debbie, I was born at Greene memorial Hospital in Xenia Ohio. I now live in Dayton Ohio.”

“Christina…. Please tell me about your writing, why do you like it so much? “
“Debbie….I wrote a Children’s prayer book to teach the little ones about Jesus Christ .I made it so it was easy for them to read it and understand it. I enjoy writing because it gives me something to do each day.”
“Christina, I have to admit I love this book of yours.. ….My grandchildren will be getting this one. I may buy one for each child.”

Here is Christina on Twitter

“Christina….where do you get your inspiration from?”
“Debbie … I got my inspiration from my grandma I look up to her. Then I started writing.”
“Wow Christina.. That is so awesome. Tell me who inspires you, who are your favorite authors?”
“Debbie.. My favorite Authors are …T. D. Jakes inspires me He is my favorite author, and so is Joyce Myers.”

“Christina….I know you have written a book and I know everyone wants to buy it Where can we go? Give us your book link here.”
“Yes Debbie I did I wrote a book called Little Children’s Prayers All around the World.” and the book link is”

“Christina, please tell us about your writing style.”
“Well Debbie, My writing style is writing short poems.”

“Christina, please give some advice to new writers!”
“Debbie, I think everybody should write it helps you get your feelings out. Writing takes you to a better place in your mind.”

“Christina, tell us about something personal about you.”
“Well Debbie ….Something personal about me is I like to write and listen to Christian music and sing as I am writing.”

“Christina, Please Tell us about your favorite bands or music.”
“The Music I love is, Chris Tomlin, Casting Crowns, Betty Jean Robinson.”

“Christina… what is your favorite thing in the world to do?”
“Debbie I love to go Shopping. I could shop all day and night”
“Christina, shopping sounds great to me. I don’t know a woman that doesn’t like to shop. Tell us have you got to travel and if so what is your favorite place in the world?”
“Debbie, I get to travel to Kentucky too see my family. My favorite place is Florida I used to live there.”

“Tell me Christina…What is your favorite piece you have wrote about?”
“Debbie, My first book that I got published “Little Children’s Prayers All Around the world.”
“Christina, I can see why that would be your favorite book. Do you like to write poems or stories best?”
“Debbie, I like writing poems the best.”

“Christina, what are your final thoughts?”
“Well Debbie my final thoughts are for all to get out there in the world and read books. And to write poems and books to get yourself noticed as an Author.”
I want to thank the Famous Author and Poetess Christina Hoctor for this great interview. May God bless you immensely in all you do for Him.”

Christina Hoctor born in Greene county Ohio.I grew up in Dayton Ohio
I have been writing for two years
My passion is the joy of writing
I have one sister Sarah Johnson,one uncle Larry Sparks and grandma Shirley Denton,Father Richard Hoctor
I just got my first book published “Little Children’s Prayers All Around The World.”
I am going to publish more books
My biggest accomplishment was getting on Amazon



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